Friday, February 20, 2009


This one's easier...actually gives you the questions to fill out...instead of coming up with everything yourself!

001. Real name → Kacie Dawne Cooper

002. Nickname(s)→ Don't really have any

003. Zodiac sign → Sagittarius

004. Male or female → Female

005. Elementary → West Field

006. Middle School →Mt. Ridge

007. High School → Lone peak

008. Hair color → Natural- dark brown, but right now its dark red

009. Long or short → Long

010. Loud or Quiet → Depends

011. Sweats or Jeans → Sweats

012. Phone or Camera → Both

013. Health freak → Not really, prob should be

015. Do you have a crush on someone? → No

016. Favorite place to be?→ With people I love

017. Piercings → Ears, tongue

018. Tattoos → two


019. Been in an airplane→ yes

020. Been in a relationship → yes

021. Been in a car accid
ent → yes, i totaled my first car the first day i had it.

022. Been in a fist fight → no


023. First piercing → Ears

024. First best friend → Kaycee

025. First
award → ?

026. First crush -> Shawn (Don't remember his last name)

028. First
big vacation → visiting family in maine


029. Last person you talked to → my dad

030. Last person you texted → Breana

031. Last person you watched a movie with → Zach

032. Last food you ate → A mini bagel

033. Last movie
you watched → ummm, don't know.

034. Last song you listened to → I don't know, but i have that "rain drops keep falling on my head" song stuck in my head, and i have no idea why

035. Last thing
you bought → baby wipes

036. Last person you hugged → Bailey


037. Food → Italian, American, (some) mexican

038. Drinks → milk, water

039. Cloth
ing →don't have a favorite

040. Books → I can't remember the last time i had time to read a book

041. Music → depends on my mood

042. Flowe
r → lillys, and daises

043. Colors → again, kinda depends on my mood

044. Movies--> I have a lot of favorite

045. Posit
ions → ha nice try.

046. Subjects → English, history, photography


067. Eating → Nothing

068. Drinking → nothing

069. I'm about to → go to bed

070. Listening to → scrubs

071. Plans
for today→the days over...bed.

072. Waiting for→ nothing right now

073. Want kids? → I have two girls, i wouldn't mind one or two more

074. Want to get married? → yeah

075. Careers in mind → I want to be a midwife


076. Lips or eyes →Eyes

077. Shorter or taller? → taller

078. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneously romantic lol

079. Nice stoma
ch or nice arms → arms

080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive

081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship

082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → A little of both


083. Lost glasses/contacts → dont need them

084. Ran away from home → no

085. Held a gun/knife for self defense → no

086. Killed somebody → no!

087. Broken someone's heart → i don't know to be honest...

088. Been arrested → NO

089. Cried
when someone died → Yes


090. Yourself → Yes

091. Miracles → everyday

092. Love at first sight → Yes

093. Heaven → yes

094. Santa Claus → no but it would be nice to!

095. Destiny - not sure

096. Kiss on the first date → depends on the date.


097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes

098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → For the most part, yes.

099. Do you believe in God → Yes

100. Will you tag 15 people? → no, whoever wants to do it can do it lol :)

1 comment:

Baker Family said...

HI!! i totally didnt even know that you had a blog!! Until i left a conrats message to bekka and saw yours! sheesh! i missed a whole bunch! anyways, it was fun to look at and catch up on on!!!!! gram c looks at mine every so often, so i'll add your link to mine and tell her she can see pics there, she will be happy. anyways, talk to ya later!!